Tag Archive | government

Day 300: The War Within Lies

Sometimes, I can’t believe this is how my story goes. Meaning the way my life is at the moment with where I am as I continue to get well from cancer. Within that realization my mind is like on mourning mode and sometimes I get lost in it… Then, last night I dreamed I was at war and I realized how my war within lies.

war within
There is and has been for awhile in my life, a war going on within and as me. This war I started against myself when I was in my early teens. Pain seems to intensify my fears and so the war within me seemed to grow. So it’s strange but things got worse for me when the first of July of this year I added another intense alternative treatment therapy.

The particular treatment I will speak more about when I’m able to – caused my physical body to take quite a hit, and unfortunately, in fear, I lost sight of the struggle my body was going through because all I could think to do in that fear was to keep pushing myself to do whatever I had to do,,, for however long I had to do it, so long as I get myself well from the cancer.

The treatment brought with it consequence of physical / muscle deterioration and extreme physical pain, and, in my lack of awareness, I began taking more and more prescribed pain meds and muscle relaxants , as well as alternative methods in my quest to relieve the pain.

Everything I was doing, it became to much for my physical body. Both my kidneys and my liver began to show symptoms of trouble – trouble from all the methods I’d chosen to help relieve my pain. I had no choice. I had to get off of everything and so a month ago, I did. I stopped taking all the prescription pain meds and muscle relaxants and ibuprofen. I also stopped all alternative methods I’d been using for pain as well.

Now I use nutrition/foods/juice / Omega 3’s and herbal remedies only to reduce the inflammation. I also drink teas with hibiscus, passion flower, lemon balm, just to name a few of the many wonderful herbs and seasoning I use, like tumeric and even capsicum/cayenne pepper.

I also stopped the intense alternative treatment method that I started 5 months ago. And with the assistance of some private interviews / tools that I was fortunate to receive through Eqafe, I’ve been able to easily stop the pain meds with very few side affects and have become effective in breathing through the fear when the pain comes and have been also been successful in my practice of directing myself to change who I am within the fear so as to forever release who I accepted and allowed myself to be within the fear to where I am able to redefine in awareness who I am within and as my physical body when the pain come.

It’s interesting, because I’ve been experiencing less pain as I’ve become more aware of who I’ve been within my accepted belief of myself as my mind to one where I’m understanding that those beliefs about myself no longer ring true to who I am directing myself to be and become as my physical body/ mind and being. Within this forgiving myself comes and that is for sure something one can become successful in doing, forgiving oneself.

My Eqafe personal interviews have also assisted me in becoming aware of how in my pain/fear over the course of 5 months, I created some automated pain patterns. Yeah.. But then after coming off all those pain meds, I’ve also been able to develop an awareness of how often my mind will tell me the movement that I’m about to do – like getting up to go to the bathroom for example – is going to hurt like hell, when in fact, when/as I stop the thoughts/fears, and focus on my breathing while I make the move, it actually doesn’t hurt at all. Sounds crazy I know,  and it is crazy,  how easy we can create patterns.  Therefore, it’s best we learn how to create the patterns that will assist us to live our utmost potential and thus begin to be able to assist in creating a world where All Life can live their utmost potential.

Within the automated patterns, I’ve also created pictures of myself within my mind.  and these patterns I continue to investigate and are part of the war within my dream last night. I will be sharing more on this in blogs to come.

At the moment, I am here, focusing on substantiating my physical body. Beginning with committing myself to make sure that every single day I give my body what it requires nutritionally to repair and recover and heal.

I commit myself to walk in breath and awareness as I consistently nourish my physical body to the best of my ability, and to redefine and become a living expression of the word relax within and as my physical body as I continue to walk my story, my Journey to Life.

Day 290: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – stopping emotional reactions to myself – Day 43

For Context Please Read:

Day 288: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Giving up, Giving in, or Both? – Day 41

Day 289: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – that sinking feeling that comes with the giving up experience – Day 42


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into emotional reactions within the ‘giving up experience‘, where I’ll become easily irritated and impatient which causes resistance within me which I often allow to influence my relationships in how I respond and interact or react to / with others, as well as with myself from the starting point of the irritation and / or impatience.

dip lite picI forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that ‘giving up’ is a process that manifests within and as my mind as consciousness and for accepting and allowing myself to beLIEve that it is me who is making the decision to give up, when in fact the decision to give up began the moment I first resisted and / or reacted to a part of myself within my mind and for that moment when I first turned against myself in my mind which is the exact moment when I gave up.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give in to emotional feeling reactions / energies, which give way for consciousness to make the decision for me to make the giving up official.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to so easily and readily give up on myself and for how I look to find something wrong in things and / or for looking for something somewhere to judge and attack myself or others for.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself being pulled into and as irritation and / or impatience and / or resistance within the emotions of the giving up experience, I Stop, I Breathe and move myself to do whatever I can to assist myself – such as writing out what’s going on within me in that moment and / or by taking a short walk or playing fetch with my dog – rather than giving in and accepting and allowing myself to be pulled into and as my mind as ‘the giving up on myself experience‘.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself reacting within my head towards myself, I stop and breathe, I direct myself to in that moment do self investigation to understand my relationship with the point of giving up so to assist myself to walk through the point with stability – instead of reacting and judging myself and building up more emotional and feeling reactions which lead to consciousness making the decision for me to make the giving up process official.

I commit myself to stop giving myself over to my mind within and as the giving up process / experience – to instead investigate the thoughts / voices in my head that I’ve been listening to and the emotions / energy that I’ve been participating in that have turned me against a part of myself in my mind and within that for using entertainment / television as a tool for my mind to fuel itself – to instead use the mind consciousness system to work for me instead of against me in remaining aware of how in that moment of giving up, look at how / why I’m being so hard on myself with regards to this exact point, and how in doing so it further builds a hardness within me, a wall, wherein I’m not able to recognize my own potential, therefore, I commit myself to write out, investigate and identify the mental and physical effects of the giving up process and to practice embracing myself as I continue to walk this process while assisting my physical body to correct imbalances and heal itself.

I commit myself to recognize and appreciate myself for remaining consistent within the process of assisting and supporting myself, my physical body to heal itself of cancer.

Day 289: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – that sinking feeling that comes with the giving up experience – Day 42

For Context Read:
Day 288: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Giving up, Giving in, or Both? – Day 41

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be manipulated and controlled by a sinking feeling within the pit of my stomach, where who I am as my mind, as consciousness, seems to pull me into an abyss of sorts, a dark hole within myself wherein I have no motivation and where nausea and fear makes me want to give up before I’ve even given myself the opportunity to get started, therefore, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be sucked into my mind which then pulls me away from my physical body / reality and living.

sinking feelingI forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become possessed with the energy experiences I have in relation to myself and the challenges I’m facing with regards to having breast cancer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to underestimate how the mind uses entertainment to control and manipulate and keep one locked into and as the very fear of facing and giving up on one’s self with regards to whatever it is one is resisting to look at / face / change about oneself.

I commit myself to Stop using entertainment / television as a way of allowing myself to be drawn into and as my mind – which then initiates a sinking feeling and then the giving up process – instead, I commit myself to make the decision to immediately pull myself back into the here, to remain stable within and as my physical body.

I commit myself to get out of the energy and give myself the opportunity to be here within and as my body, to see, realize and understand that I am able to stand up and direct my world and my reality.

I commit myself to whenever I’m facing a difficult moment, where I see that I’m experiencing physical reactions – that come with the type of treatments I’m using – I stop, I breathe, I direct myself to remain aware of what’s going on within me at that moment, to Not fear the sinking feeling, and to instead look at what’s going on within me and speak the words ‘I am here’, to assist myself to ground myself back to an awareness that is aligned within and as my physical body and physical reality.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself facing a challenge where I become nauseous and experience a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I stop, I breathe, I see, realize and understand that in that moment I’m being shifted into and as my mind, so when such a moment of energy occur, I commit myself to shift myself back into and as my physical body and reality and to take the moment to look again at the solutions that I’m using to solve my particular problem / challenge that I’m facing.


Day 288: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Giving up, Giving in, or Both? – Day 41

giving up
Today for me, is ‘Day 5 ON’, meaning it’s day 5 of intense pancreatic enzyme therapy as part of the ongoing alternative treatment plan I’ve been walking as a way to assist my body to heal itself – taking up to 72 pancreatic enzymes a day is part of my plan that recognizes how Cancer is a Metabolic disease.

“At least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes.

Cancer is a symptom of inadequate and deficient protein metabolism. The real problem is protein metabolism, not cancer. Cancer is only a symptom telling those who would listen that their protein metabolism is in very serious trouble. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy only treat the symptoms of cancer.

One hundred years ago Dr. John Beard at the University of Edinburgh discovered that the body’s primary mechanism for destroying cancer is contained in pancreatin, a secretion from the pancreas that includes enzymes for digesting protein (among other things). Enzymes digest or liquefy foods for absorption by the body. Dr. Beard presented pictures in his books and papers to show recoveries using pancreatin. ” One Answer to Cancer

So for those of you who have followed my blog, you already know that in addition to following a strict metabolic diet, I add the pancreatic enzymes which ingest cancer cells, this then should adequately treat and/or can possibly eliminate / prevent cancer.  Also, as part of my daily treatment plan, throughout my day, I take high doses of vitamin C and I take specific mushroom capsules,  as well as Vitamin B17 and I also take multivitamins and other supplements that aid in supporting a healthy immune system.

The metabolic balancing that must occur within the body in order for it to heal itself requires that one eat the proper foods, which during my ‘on days’ can be quite challenging because just as with chemotherapy, the body becomes mild to severely toxic – which can cause a lack of appetite, as well as nausea and /or diarrhea, which are just a few of the many reactions that one may experience physically.

It’s kind of like having the flu and it’s vital that every single day, that I assist my body to detox effectively, by way of the coffee enema for example. It’s also important that my kidneys get flushed well daily so I drink liberal quantities of fluids, such as water and a variety of fresh juices. Cleansing my skin is also important and most people, including myself have overlooked it’s importance.

“Most people overlook the skin as an organ of detoxification. But it is sometimes called “the third kidney,” since many of its functions in fluid and electrolyte balance are similar to those of the kidneys. When great amounts of poisons flood the body, all systems are overloaded and this function of the skin is sorely needed. As the skin is utilized, all sorts of eruptions, odors, colors, and blemishes may appear. These conditions will disappear as the body becomes purified.

One can quickly assess the relative efficiency of elimination through the skin by looking at his iris (the colored portion of the eye). The skin is represented by the outermost part of the iris. If it is very dark and dense, the condition is called a “scurf rim” in iridology, and it means that the skin is relatively blocked as an organ of elimination. To open it up, skin brushing before a shower and vigorous use of a loofah sponge in the shower are recommended…

At the end of the shower, one should turn the water to cool, then to warm. As one becomes accustomed to the temperature change, he or she may go from hot to cold and back several times. This exercises the tiny muscles in the skin, which control dilation and contraction of the pores. As they become stronger, they can respond better to the physiological demands of the body.

After the shower, one can sit in a tub of water with a cup of apple cider vinegar added, to restore and strengthen the acid mantle of the skin. Afterward, the body should be dried and rubbed briskly with a towel until a warm glow is felt.

Epsom salt baths may also be used to help draw toxins out of the skin. These baths are especially beneficial if one is going through a “healing crisis” and is especially toxic and feeling bad.” Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.


Alright so what happens is that during my days ‘on’, when I’m feeling my worst physically, that’s when I tend to let myself get lost within and as this particular pattern that I’ve come to realize is one that I’ve participated in for most of my life in that, when I would get the flu or become sick, I would plop myself in front of the t.v., and then lose myself within whatever it was/is that I’ve chosen to entertain myself with in order to take my mind off of being sick.

I’m not implying that one should never watch television or movies, but like with everything, moderation is key. The problem is, in my past,  I’ve been the type of person that goes overboard with things, which can cause addictive behaviors and within that an imbalance within and as my physical body may occur.  That’s not acceptable.

Thus here, and in blogs to come, I will investigate this point further to establish a point of stability within myself, so as to be able to direct myself and walk my process more effectively and so Stop accepting and allowing myself to become automated memories / patterns.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in a way give up on myself in that when I feel physically ill, I don’t direct myself to walk my process as effectively as I know I’m capable of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give in to the ‘giving up experience‘, the energy and the mind manipulation of and as it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I’m physically sick, to adhere to the desire to entertain myself emotionally by watching movies / television series and / or by watching comedies as a way to forget about how bad I feel physically.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get stuck in patterns of mind manipulation, where I participate in thoughts and emotions of feeling sorry for myself and then the feeling sorry for myself gives way for repeat patterns, where it’s like I’m just killing time so to speak, until I start feeling physically better again.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to talk myself into ‘giving up and/or giving in’, where within my mind my thoughts are ‘I won’t be able to see this thing through’, and within that for allowing myself to believe that it’s just a matter of time before I fail.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be taken in by the energy within my definition and acceptance of ‘feeling bad’ and for the thoughts that come with it of ‘I can’t do this anymore’ and for the consequences that ‘giving in’ to and ‘giving up’ manifests.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move myself into my mind‘s justifications and excuses / reasons / energies and / or backchat / thoughts to such a degree that I will feel unfulfilled or incomplete because in and as self sabotage, I’m not putting my all into whatever it is that I’m physically practically walking.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that I’m giving up on myself when in fact, I’ve been giving in to and accepting and allowing patterns and behaviors to have control and direction over me.

I commit myself to Stop participating in the ‘giving up experience‘, the energy, the mind manipulation of and as it.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself having physical reactions to treatment, to Stop and breathe, to not accept or allow myself to run in and as automated patterns / behaviors of over indulgence in watching t.v.

I commit myself to learn about myself and to develop and grow within who I am by moving myself to put my all into whatever it is that I’m doing through learning about myself to develop who I am as my expression and my living through self honesty and according to what’s best for all.


Previous blog with similar topic to this one,  read:

Day 286: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – The Nature of Worry – Day 40

Day 284: Redefining and Commitment to Living ‘Grace’

When I looked within myself at how I’ve lived the word ‘grace’, I could see that although I completely comprehend how we as a society have defined it, such as in ‘merriam-webster’:

: a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward
: a controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving
graces : skills that are needed for behaving in a polite way in social situations

I hadn’t really ever considered what living the word ‘grace’ may look like or mean.  In fact, when I looked at how I felt inside myself when I looked at the word ‘grace’, what I saw was a feeling of awkwardness and an almost stumbling within myself, like a ‘not knowing’ so to speak.

So I realized that I’ve never really considered that I’ve not only the ability to redefine who I am as ‘grace’, but I’ve also the responsibility to do so.  In doing so, one like’s to think it would be easy to redefine who one is as ‘grace’, however, asking oneself important questions like ‘what does it mean to live the word ‘grace’ and, ‘what would that mean being for oneself, one’s body, and way of living‘?

It’s not an easy question to answer or live as because who we are as our mind depends upon things from our outside world to stimulate and entertain us, so it requires a slowing down within oneself in order to assist oneself effectively.
When I first began to focus on and redefine myself as ‘grace’, it was cool, but kind of surprising when I realized just how much I reLIEd upon the energy I would get when I’d participate in any way in the bizarre little personal attacks on myself that I was accepting as backchat within my mind.

It’s cool when you commit to investigating these things that are going on within your mind, you begin to see just how ridiculous it all is – like the small sentences of backchat where in your head your hearing things like, ‘you can’t do this’, ‘I’m tired‘, ‘your getting to old for that’, etc, all of which add up to some serious self-judgments and suppression.

So as I’ve been walking this point in real-time – forgiving myself for the self-loathing and self-critical way of thinking, and forgiving myself for allowing myself to be controlled to such a degree where I’ve been motivated to move myself by and as my mind – which is in itself physically exhausting and proof how damaging our thought processes are on our physical body.

Instead of allowing that, I directed myself to stop and forgive myself, so when a self-judgment thought would come up or re-occur, I would stop, breathe and focus on giving myself ‘grace’, remaining aware of what that means and feels like to give myself ‘grace’ as self support.

After a few days, the backchat attack began to raise doubts because my mind as consciousness was losing controls so it used fear through the words, ‘your body can’t handle this’.  That’s when within me, it was like my physical body as me Stood Up, and I saw how when those thoughts came up my entire physical body became tense and uncomfortable and I became aware of how my bottom lip sought to hold down my upper lip real tight like, so I used that as an awareness, a flag if you will to provide assistance for myself to know it’s time to stop and breathe!  Within that I began to recognize who I am as my physical body within and as ‘Grace’,  and how when I allow myself ‘Grace’ my entire inside relaxes in clarity.

So, it’s been a few weeks now since I began investigating this point and I’m realizing who I am as ‘grace’ is becoming of me more and more – where ‘grace’ is a soft place within where I flow comfortably through and as my entire physical body, and within that a great gift emerged in that within and as ‘Grace’, self-judgments towards myself and others cannot and does not exist.

And so I see an opportunity that’s opened up here for me to see, realize and understand what it means to Life the word ‘Grace’ into and as myself and our entire World System within and as All of Existence.

Therefore, I commit myself to direct myself to move myself with an awareness to change what I’ve been accepting and allowing within my world – through self-forgiveness I let go the paranoia that has been placed as control and created around religion and how living the word ‘grace’ throughout our lives became identified with the idea of a “God watching over us” or a “God who knows best” attitude as another way to justify spirituality and the paranoia around it to the extreme – I further commit myself to take actions that prevent harm to All Living beings, to get to the point of having the ‘Grace’ to consider the common good for All Life through a Living Income Proposal, to ensure All the opportunity of Living Life in accordance to what’s Best for All to become part of the way Life exist on Earth.


“Politics is the Fascinating Interesting thing that is In Fact Legitimate and Legal as a way to Change the World, simply by Voting or Getting Involved in Creating Political Parties that Actually Present a Constitutional Bill of Rights, Ensuring that All Laws that exist are Aligned to that, Ensuring that All Necessary Preventions that Ensures a Life that is Best for All Happens on Earth – those kind of stuff all Happen through Politics, through Government. And Government is Not ‘Evil,’ Government is the Product of The People. If Governments are ‘Evil’ as so many Paranoids Claim, then They’re Evil because They are the Ones that Created the Government in the first place, they don’t have an Alternative = that’s quite a Problem. One Shouldn’t Judge: You Should Look for Solutions and Alternatives.

As long as You Have No solutions and Alternatives = You are Judging.

If You Have a Solution and Alternative = it’s No Longer a Judgment, it is Then Common Sense Reasoning.” Bernard Poolman



The Living Income Proposal


“I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it was Critical for the Successful Design of Consumerism as Resource Control by the few to get Personal Effort to be SUBJECT to the GRACE of an INVISIBLE GOD to which ALL SUCCESS was ATTRIBUTED, to make sure the Human will ACCEPT Personal Self-Interest as a RIGHT as SINNER to be able to Indulge and Feed Consumerism without feeling Guilty, as a Saviour or Messiah will come or has died for the SINNER that CANNOT Help but being SINFUL by Consuming. In this an INVISIBLE PACT was created between Consumerism and Religion with Consumers FUNDING Religion as a way of Passing for Penance as the 7th Day of Confession and Forgiveness – Creating a Human that Accepts as the Core of the Human: EVIL, that Cannot be Conquered by Self, but only through a Divine force.


I commit myself to show that the Human’s acceptance of themselves as inherently Evil can in fact be conquered by Self and does NOT require a Divine Force or Forgiveness from an Imaginary God, but requires the courage to be Self Honest, to dare oneself to care, and to give oneself the gift of Self-Forgiveness.” Bernard Poolman

Day 275: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Cancer to become No. 1 killer in U.S. – Day 39

Video Vlog with Transcription

For Context Read: Cancer to become No. 1 killer in US

If you click on the link that I’ve provided, you’ll see an article released by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). It reads that by the year 2030, that Cancer will become the number 1 killer in the United States.

It was interesting to remain aware of my thought process as I was reading the article, because I could see myself wanting to be drawn into what reads like a subtle coaxing for the reader to believe in something that they don’t even fully understand.

And I mean, my thought process with regards to Cancer, and All that having Cancer implies, is not what it used to be, because before being diagnosed with Cancer, I never really had much thought at all about Cancer, because I didn’t think getting Cancer could happen to me. In my life I’ve only known a handful of people with Cancer but even so, Cancer to my mind, was a downer that I just didn’t have time for.

Now here I am, and I have Breast Cancer. And, with almost a year now of researching and educating myself about Cancer, and learning the importance that pancreatic enzymes play in assisting our physical body to digest Cancer, I’m realizing that I’ve become better, at, spotting a snake in the grass, so to speak. Let me explain. In this particular report, it suggests an attempt to recruit us using carefully placed words that seem to direct us to continue supporting our belief in the current accepted treatments for Cancer.

I’m referring to the slash, burn and poison method, which is Insurance approved and the chosen route/option that is provided to the Cancer Patient. But, what about the risk involved in those choices in how destructive the treatment is on the physical body? I mean, it’s quite the gamble that many do not survive. Still, like it or not, this report sets the stage in that, if something doesn’t change, there will Never be a cure found for Cancer because to many are getting rich because of it.

In the report, look at how it highlights a growing need in the cancer care sector, saying that there will be a shortage of nearly 1,500 oncologists in about 10 years. Clifford Hudis, the society’s president said: “Any delay or disruption in cancer treatment can be devastating and stressful. We need to plan and invest to avoid that, pursuing everything from leveraging technology and innovative practice models to using non-physician providers as part of teams providing patient care.”

cancer is big money

So basically, the ASCO continues to ask for public donation and oddly enough, they get it. First let me say that I know that there are many people that donate to the thousands upon thousands of charities/organizations that are out there, and I’m sure many of them are committed to assisting those in need. Having said that, let’s look at Prof. Clifford Hudis, the President of ASCO, who’s also affiliated with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK or MSKCC), is a cancer treatment and research institution founded in 1884 as the New York Cancer Hospital. And so, one should read the ‘LECTURE BY G. EDWARD GRIFFIN’ to get a clearer understanding of what we’re dealing with.

So my point of sharing this is to assist in bringing awareness to the fact that there is so much, that we as the general public are not aware of, because quite frankly this is not something you’ll hear about on the six o’clock news. Instead we’re going to have to investigate for ourself, and consider the validity of the current accepted and allowed Institutions that profit from illness and disease.

A wise man once shared, if you want to know what’s really going on within this World, all you have to do, is follow the money trail. And, that’s basically what Mr. Griffin’s research and many more like him have done.

And so while what Mr. Griffin shares may be shocking, it’s not based on opinions or emotions or feelings. He shares what his research showed him, which are well documented facts about how Cancer continues to be the money-making business it is. Don’t be fooled by those who claim that they do what they do because they care because let’s be honest, they do what they do just like the rest of us, because we get paid to do what we do.

Alright so, like it or not, the fact remains that Cancer will more than likely be the number one killer, maybe even before 2030, because in November of 2013 it was reported that 1 out of 4 people are now being diagnosed with Cancer. But even that statistic is up for argument amongst the Medical community because many claim that 1 out of 3 people are being diagnosed with Cancer.

It’s been difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I am now a Cancer statistic and that that’s part of how our current world/money system recognizes me since my diagnosis almost a year ago. And you know almost a week to the day of my diagnosis, just like clockwork I got a phone call from one of the many Cancer Society Charitable Organizations asking me for a donation so they can continue their search for a cure.

Of course, there will be never be a cure at this point because a cure would bring a halt to the kind of lifestyle that having Cancer supports for those that profit from it. And you have to understand, these charities, they offer hope to someone whose just been given their death sentence. They promise the Cancer Patient that their services will provide the ability for them to ultimately experience a fast and easy recovery and for many that may indeed be so. But mostly not.

My experience was that when I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I was introduced to my ‘Cancer Team’, which consisted of a staff of at least 3 people, and I was told that one or more of them would be calling me at least once a week to provide for me any support that I might need. However, my team disappeared quickly when I made the decision to treat my Cancer with alternative treatments instead of the traditional recommended treatment. And almost immediately after that is when I started receiving frequent phone calls from various organizations asking me to make a donation to for their ongoing Cancer Research.

It’s hard to grasp that there are people getting filthy rich off people who have life threatening illness or disease. And, still the facts show that they are, and so unless one is rich, there’s no chance of buying our way out of the mess that we’re in as a society, where Billions of dollars are wasted on Cancer ‘cure’ research alone.

So, it’s important to realize that Cancer is on the rise, and it would be in the best interest of All of us, if we would agree on a Money System that will Guarantee financial support for everyone, regardless of who you are or where you live, you’ll be able to get what you need to live healthy life.

And I’m talking about a real solution, one that will take away the daily stress and fear of survival. Can you Imagine it? A world where everyone would have the opportunity to take responsibility for their own Life, and thus take responsibility for how Life exists on Earth.

The Living Income Guaranteed Proposal is just the solution and one that must be investigated closely because it promises to balance growth with sustainability; ensuring and securing Fundamental Human Rights for everyone. And that makes sense.

Check out ‘The Proposal’, it’s a Start


“The average physician today has had no training at all in basic nutrition. His wife knows more about nutrition than he does, and I don’t want to get any physicians here angry at me, but most doctors will tell you honestly that this is a fact. They’ll spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours working to learn about drugs, their actions, and everything and they are lucky to have even a chance to spend one or two hours studying basic nutrition.
This I submit is no accident and so what we find is that the medical student today, without even suspecting it, and he’d certainly be the last one to admit it, certainly he doesn’t believe it, but without suspecting that he has been carefully programmed by the educational system to be a drug pusher.

You go to your doctor, and I’m going to get some doctors mad at me for sure, but you go to your doctor, and he’ll examine you and if he can cut something out he’ll do that, and if he can set a broken bone he’ll do that. He’ll mend something, but beyond that the only thing he can do is write a prescription. You say, I don’t feel well, he says, take this prescription to your drugstore and if that doesn’t work come back and see me in two weeks and I’ll write you another prescription of different kind, and if that doesn’t work we’ve got a whole list of drugs to prescribe until we find something that works.

That is what has happened, and so the medical profession today has been subverted, I submit, by a force, which they do not even suspect themselves.

Now beyond the medical schools, there is of course, the AMA, the FDA, and Institutions of this kind. It is possible that the cartel has reached into these institutions as well. Consider the AMA, almost half of its income every year is derived not from membership dues, but from the average doctor who knows nothing about what the AMA is doing and is unable to have any voice in it. Half of the income comes from cartel drug firms, in the form of advertising in the “Journal of the American Medical Association”. Ten million dollars a year is funneled into the AMA from drug firms. Plus, ten million dollars of AMA money is invested in stock ownership in these big drug companies. That is what you might call a conflict of interest.” ~ G. EDWARD GRIFFIN Lecture


Day 274: Holding Life Hostage

Video Vlog with Transcription

For Context Read:  This little boys Story

‘…To me, [it’s] almost a crime to not make it available to everyone who needs it.’ ~ Aimee Hardy, Mother of son who has cancer

The above story in the link that I’ve provided, is painful to read, but there is so much suffering going on within our world that it seems crazy to call attention to only one of the many stories where someone is suffering at the hands of our current money system. However, I can relate to this little boys story because I to have cancer.

So it’s easy, I absolutely agree with the above quote by the mother of the sick little boy… It IS absolutely a Crime, to not make available to everyone the very thing they require to have a chance of surviving. Yet, this is how life is within our current world money system.

crime scene

The entire money system is structured so that those who are rich can buy their way to getting what they want or need, while the poor are judged and ridiculed for being less than deserving. But the truth is, millions are suffering daily, in unimaginable ways, and it’s crazy when you start to realize that Money, is the one thing that could bring the suffering to an abrupt end.

Money is thrown around all the time amongst the rich and famous, and in this particular situation the company whose withholding the requested drug for treatment recently received $72 million in federal funding, but still said they had to dismiss the compassionate use allowance program because they can no longer afford it.

I mean, lol, as Judge Judy says: “Is the word stupid written across my forehead?” She also points out that: “Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, but that doesn’t mean the law has to treat everyone equally.”

Now Judge Judy Sheindlin, if you’re not familiar with her, is sittin pretty cozy herself. It was recently reported that she’s the highest paid TV star, earning $47 million per year for her television gig ‘Judge Judy’. That means she earns $900,000 a day and, she only works 52 days per year!  How insane is it that some people make this kind of money while the majority struggle daily to make ends meet?

Alright, so moving on. It’s a Fact, there is No law that supports Life itself. No Law that enforces a Principle giving Everyone Equal Rights to be given what they require in order to live. We have to begin somewhere,  so maybe giving everyone a Living Income is the way to begin.  Maybe then we can begin to see clear to outlaw for instance, any refusal to give possible life saving medicine to the child in the above story. It just makes sense that no one person or group or major corporation should be allowed the purchasing power to basically hold the possibility for life hostage. Especially when clearly our entire value system has been contaminated by ego and greed. Sadly, even in realizing how many are suffering, we still have a long way to go to set forth laws that will protect the right of Life, the right to being born on Earth through Giving to all Equally that which is required to live.

Most of us want to believe that people are good and that we ‘love our neighbor’, and, we even preach to ‘give as we’d like to receive’. But the truth is, we live quite the opposite. So Life on Earth is being constantly threatened, and we can see how people are struggling to keep up the act as the happy consumer who blindly supports corporate greed because honestly, buying the groceries/products that continue to support the rich and famous and the greedy, is the only choice that we currently have.

So a big change is required, and after looking into it, I’m satisfied that the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal, is just the solution, and maybe even a gateway of sorts toward changing our current world and our current money system to one that will be sensitive and supportive of life and life threatening situations, to thus make equally available to everyone who need it – such as with this little boy – the ability to receive that which is required for them to live a healthy and long life, because we’d want the same opportunity to be given to us, wouldn’t we?

Let’s Stop holding Life hostage with price tags.

Investigate: The Proposal

The Original Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure

Day 262: A day late and a dollar short

It’s Sunday morning and I’m sitting here enjoying the sites of fresh fallen snow and the aroma of the vegetable broth brewing on the stove (my partner and I started it first thing when we woke up this morning) and also the smell of a roaring fire just outside my window that my partner just got going. All of it, for me, makes for the perfect day.

So, not to sound all ‘scent’imental’, lol, no pun intended, but I’m realizing more and more how life begins when we begin to develop an awareness of our personal responsibility to become accountable for how our world exists. To educate oneself to understand what it takes these days to survive in this world so to be able to enjoy the simplest of things. For example, what does one have to do/be/become in order to have a warm home in which to enjoy the beauty of a fresh fallen snow and cooking one’s favorite meal

Ok so my point is, as I sat enjoying the snow and the aroma’s all around me, a memory was triggered and I saw how my mind took me back to something my mom used to say, she’d say: I’m a day late and a dollar short. I remember how her words captured me within a way where I was unable to rectify her meaning. I didn’t really understand her choice of words but the tone within which she spoke them gave me clarity on how she felt.  I knew she had allowed herself a missed opportunity and was caught inexcusably unprepared for it.  It is only now that I understand the underlying implications and the utmost importance the experience held on as.
day late and a dollar short
The problem is in the value we give to time and money.  How we seem to unknowingly become the trip our mind chooses for us to take and as the human, we willingly give value to our accepted variety of cultures, belief systems, habits and/or addictions.

We secretly believe in feeling as if we’re always a day late and a dollar short,  so it’s like we keep chasing/looking for some sort of fulfillment. Yep, it’s time for us to Stop participating in how consciousness wants to direct us and instead realize that we can Direct ourself.

As Consciousness,  we’ll seek, plan, prepare and organize for a secured life for ourself and our family and in self interest, we forget to value everyone as we ignore the suffering of others.  There’s no longer anywhere to hide.   We understand how deadly our Current Money System is, where even the simplest of pleasures require time and money and the majority of us don’t seem to have enough of either .

When my partner and I go to town it takes a good 45 minutes to an hour to get to the store and another hour to get home.  Time and the Money…  Recently, we spent 128.00 U.S. Dollars for a few veggies, fruits, mushrooms and a package of organic tea!

It’s crazy because the experience of Life in it’s simplest form of day to day survival, has become so expensive that’s it’s not only embarrassing, it’s downright criminal.   I mean seriously, making a living and a life for oneself could be a Journey to Life, to self perfection.

Making a living and a life within a system where everyone is guaranteed a living wage,  where you can learn to depend upon yourself,  whereby becoming responsible and accountable and capable of Stopping what we’ve accepted and allowed.  It is only then that  we’ll begin to share with Everyone all that this physical Earth experience offers for Each one of us.

No one should have to live ‘a day late and a dollar short’ kind of lifestyle.

No one should have to beg for food.

No one should be able to have a home unless Everyone is able to have a home.

No one should be afraid of a hard days work simply because they’re not paid enough to do it.

No one should go to bed hungry.

No one should go to bed cold.

No one should ever suffer because of lack of.

Everyone should be able to determine what their skills are and how they’ll be able to contribute to making a living in this world toward creating  Heaven on Earth as we implement the Simple Law, ‘Give as You would like to Receive’.

I commit myself to direct myself to show that the only chance for Life on Earth to continue will be for the human to come together as a group in agreement in full commitment to each other, to create a World that behaves according to what’s best for All.


“What makes one life more, or less than any other life? What makes one life any more, or less, worthy than any other life? What gives any one life more, or less, value than another? Why should the end of one life be felt more, or less, keenly than another? Why should the suffering of one life be regarded as more, or less, important than another?” Cerise Poolman, Activist’s Journey to Life



Living Income Guaranteed

Day 251: Forgiving Self Betrayal

Today my partner drove and he and I went off doing a bit of travelling through the backwoods of pawnee and creek county. So we were going along this stretch of road and I began to notice how the road was triggering a memory I have of myself from long ago, and then, an uneasiness began deep within my gut/stomach. I also noticed my breathing was becoming slightly labored and my heartbeat slightly increased and my energy/stamina level began to drop – kind of like the way a person will experience themselves when their sugar level drops.

the suffering of othersSo, just as we were about to come to the place where we would turn off the winding road we were travelling on, I began to experience a pull from within the center of my chest area… A dull pain began in my upper back and chest area and I felt as if I was being sucked into some sort of vortex within my mind and it was then that I chose to let go of the past memory/energy that was begging my participation and it was then that I realized, ‘damn, this is what betrayal feels like, insignificance, fear, and self betrayal’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Not see, realize and understand that betrayal is that of blame, and how within my experience of inSIGNificance, there were SIGNS for me to see – how when I felt betrayed by something or someone, it was because I conditionally placed my faith and my trust and ultimately my responsibility for me, for my life – I placed it in the hands of another – I gave my life over to another separate form me – giving responsibility for myself to another, instead of taking responsibility for my own life and my own life experiences – then when my life hasn’t worked out the way I wanted it to, I felt betrayed by them, when the fact is, I handed over my life to them, I gave them responsibility of me and ultimately, I became angry.

Therefore, I forgive myself for the anger of betraying myself – for not taking self responsibility for my life and for how I experienced myself, and for suppressing that which I was really experiencing, blaming the experience and my situation on others, on the world, on society as a whole, yet all along presenting to the world that I’m fine, that I’m strong – betraying/deceiving myself and those within my world – blaming others for my own betrayal and deception.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become so engulfed in the fear of taking responsibility that I accepted and allowed my physical body to become petrified, frozen in/as self betrayal and self denial.

Redefining Self Betrayal:

When and as I see myself giving myself over to another and suppressing myself within a point of insignificance which leads to self denial and self betrayal, I stop. I Breathe. I see, realize and understand that this is a pattern within and as my mind – that I Am Willing myself to Stop, to re-design myself, to take Self-responsibility for myself and the World as myself.

I commit myself to let go of the idea’s that I’ve existed as within and as my past relationships to who I am within and as self betrayal.

I commit myself to Stop self denial.

I commit myself to take Self-Responsibility for myself and Stop blaming others for how I experience myself.

I commit myself to changing who I am as my mind/physical body within and as this physical reality/existence as one who is Not a betrayer of self, but is instead Standing within and as the Directive Principal of what I see, realize and understand as the utmost importance, to assist in bringing forth a World where All Life is given to Equally within the Principle of What’s Best for All.


  Suggested blogs to follow:

Creation Journey to Life
Heaven Journey to Life
Earth Journey to Life
Economist Journey to Life


Activist’s Journey To Life

Day 245: House of Cards

It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me physically as I’ve been continuing my alternative treatment plan for cancer. With not feeling very well I’m hesitant to admit that I’ve been watching a little bit of television, and after having researched the topic, have become somewhat educated about how our political/money system operates.

So, it’s interesting, how the facts about how our world exists are everywhere to be understood if only we’ll use what is here and educate ourselves further and then, change it to serve us with a solution that will be Best for All – instead of accepting and allowing the rules of the Elite to Enslave us.
house of cards
The particular television show that I’ll be referring to is called ‘House of Cards‘. The show centers around Francis Underwood who is basically a Majority Whip who has his hands in/on every secret in politics, and, is willing to betray anyone and everyone in his attempt to become President.  Now obviously this is a television series however, research for yourself to see how accurate the moves within it are.

Alright so, if you don’t know, here’s the definition of a Majority Whip:

“an official in a political party whose primary purpose is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. Whips are a party’s “enforcers”, who typically offer inducements and threaten punishments for party members to ensure that they vote according to the official party policy. A whip’s role is also to ensure that the elected representatives of their party are in attendance when important votes are taken. The usage comes from the hunting term “whipping in”, i.e. preventing hounds from wandering away from the pack.” ~ Wikipedia

‘Party discipline’ is also important to understand

“Party discipline is the ability of a parliamentary group of a political party to get its members to support the policies of their party leadership. In liberal democracies, it usually refers to the control that party leaders have over their caucus members in the legislature. Party discipline is important for all systems of government that allow parties to hold political power because it determines the degree to which the governmental infrastructure will be affected by legitimate political processes.” ~Wikipedia

So, how does one get it’s members to support certain policies and how is ‘party discipline’ enforced? With Money.  Money is what gives one the Power. Now, the Lobbyist plays a key role in how the Power roles shift and are Inflated with Money and are backed by Major Corporations/ Elite who are the only ones who have the money it takes to enforce such ‘party discipline’.

What industries spend the most Money on Lobbying?

The following data was recorded by the Senate Office of Public Records. The top 10 industries for 2009 were:

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products – $199,323,702

Insurance – $122,065,251

Oil & Gas – $120,669,855

Electric Utilities – $108,163,536

Business Associations – $92,696,817

Computers/Internet – $88,847,937

Misc Manufacturing & Distributing – $84,363,782

TV/Movies/Music – $77,861,927

Hospitals/Nursing Homes – $77,465,842

Education – $73,913,389

“If you’re good at this game, you’ve provided your congressional quarterback with everything under the sun—including fundraisers, golf outings, travel, meals, and premium event tickets. Now you’re on your way. The American people may not know the details of what you just did, but they kind of suspect it’s happening and they hate it. And they should hate it, since it’s killing our country. Unfortunately, until we can change this system, that’s how the sausage is made.” ~Former Lobbyist Jack Abramoff

Yes, that’s how the sausage is made, it’s made of Money, a lot of Money and Deceit. It’s what keeps things as they are, where the majority continue to support the rich to become richer and most of us, we aren’t even educated enough to BEGIN to understand the basics of how this current money/political system operates. The fact is there will be no real Education reform because there is no profit to be made in that.

In fact, look again at the above numbers for proof that less and less is spent on Education reform and how what’s important and profitable is the Pharmaceutical/Drug Industry. All the while more than half of the federal prisoners incarcerated in 2010 were for drug crimes according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Who of us has the Money to get a Bill to pass Congress anyway?  Only the Rich.

“I’m talking about giving a gift to somebody who makes a decision on behalf of the public. At the end of the day, that’s really what bribery is. But it is done everyday and it is still being done. The truth is there were very few members who I could even name or could think of who didn’t at some level participate in that.” ~ Former Lobbyist Jack Abramoff

That’s what it comes down to. This is how Countries are Governed. This is how Poverty exists and this is how the Systems that Govern our World operate and strangely enough, we’re OK with that.

I won’t pretend to know or understand every detail because I’m still Educating myself about how and why our current World/Money/Systems exists as they do.  However, what I do understand is that at some level,  we All realize that everything is Not OK.  How most of us are so busy trying to survive that we’ve failed to see that we’re not even aware of what we’re accepting and allowing.

There’s no time for blame and if we’re not even willing to see the facts – even as they’re presented to us even through the television shows we watch daily- if we’re not willing to change that which is enslaving us by our own hands, then folks, we’re in serious trouble. So much so that one can see how we bicker, compete and fight with each other, instead of coming together to bring about a Real Solution,  to bring an End to our own enslavement.

Our current world systems are run and operated by crooks who have all the money and it’s us,  the slaves who give them their power.   It’s Enough.

It’s simple. Educate yourself about the Living Income Guaranteed proposal.

If we’ve got the time to sit in front of the television,  then we better make time to study that which will set us free for real.

“People look at politicians and celebrities on the TV and the newspapers, glossy magazines – what do they see? “I’m just like them.” That’s what they say. “I’m special. I’m different. I could be any one of them.” Well guess what, you can’t. You know why? Cause in reality, mediocrity is where most people live. Mediocrity is the elephant in the room. It’s ubiquitous. Mediocrity in your schools. It’s in your dreams. It’s in your family. And those of us who know this – those of us who understand the disease of the dull – we do something about it. We do more because we have to. The deck was always stacked against us. You’re either a big leaguer, or you’re a slave clawing your way onto the “C” train.” ~ Former Lobbyist Jack Abramoff


“I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Consciousness have ensured the Value of Life as Equal for All, was replaced with the Race for Survival based on the Principles of Debt, to ensure that no Slave realize the Truth until Death by promoting unique Individualism of Consciousness, to ensure that No Groups form that Challenge the Status Quo – Leaving Life in a State of Woe, from which No One has been able to Escape throughout All of Human History, because until All are Equal and Free as Life: No One is Equal and Free.” ~ Bernard Poolman

“I commit myself to SHOW that the Earth, as Nature Labor, Create the Environment within which Man Exist, But Man Learns Nothing from the Examples Given, and instead transform the Earth’s Labor into Money Consciousness with which to Enslave Each other.” ~ Bernard Poolman

“I commit myself to SHOW that Science and Mathematics based on the Foundation that All Life is Created Equal, will Produce a Society that is Best for All Life “~ Bernard Poolman


  Suggested blogs to follow:

Creation Journey to Life
Heaven Journey to Life
Earth Journey to Life
Economist Journey to Life


Activist’s Journey To Life


Also suggest watching the Documentary: Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream