Tag Archive | Hunger

Day 282: Land of Predators

Here we are, going about our daily life, enjoying our secret pact as a society – live the good life and society will take care of you.  But look what happens when society drops the ball.

Our World, where the taking of a life is easier than the care and feeding of it.


Dozens die as fighting intensifies in Gaza; children killed at refugee camp

 Image taken from L.A. Times

land of predators

North India gangs enforce ‘water tax’ on defenseless villagers: is this the future of the American West?

Big Pharma – Testing Meds on Homeless People

Nearly 300,000 suicides in India so far from GMO crop failures

Maintenance worker, 33, shoots dead his wife, their three sleeping children and then himself after ‘financial problems’


 “…most research on the relationship between income and suicide rates indicates that higher suicide rates correspond with lower incomes (Chen et al. 2009).”


Investigate LIG



Day 275: Calling the Beast by it’s Name – Breast Cancer – Cancer to become No. 1 killer in U.S. – Day 39

Video Vlog with Transcription

For Context Read: Cancer to become No. 1 killer in US

If you click on the link that I’ve provided, you’ll see an article released by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). It reads that by the year 2030, that Cancer will become the number 1 killer in the United States.

It was interesting to remain aware of my thought process as I was reading the article, because I could see myself wanting to be drawn into what reads like a subtle coaxing for the reader to believe in something that they don’t even fully understand.

And I mean, my thought process with regards to Cancer, and All that having Cancer implies, is not what it used to be, because before being diagnosed with Cancer, I never really had much thought at all about Cancer, because I didn’t think getting Cancer could happen to me. In my life I’ve only known a handful of people with Cancer but even so, Cancer to my mind, was a downer that I just didn’t have time for.

Now here I am, and I have Breast Cancer. And, with almost a year now of researching and educating myself about Cancer, and learning the importance that pancreatic enzymes play in assisting our physical body to digest Cancer, I’m realizing that I’ve become better, at, spotting a snake in the grass, so to speak. Let me explain. In this particular report, it suggests an attempt to recruit us using carefully placed words that seem to direct us to continue supporting our belief in the current accepted treatments for Cancer.

I’m referring to the slash, burn and poison method, which is Insurance approved and the chosen route/option that is provided to the Cancer Patient. But, what about the risk involved in those choices in how destructive the treatment is on the physical body? I mean, it’s quite the gamble that many do not survive. Still, like it or not, this report sets the stage in that, if something doesn’t change, there will Never be a cure found for Cancer because to many are getting rich because of it.

In the report, look at how it highlights a growing need in the cancer care sector, saying that there will be a shortage of nearly 1,500 oncologists in about 10 years. Clifford Hudis, the society’s president said: “Any delay or disruption in cancer treatment can be devastating and stressful. We need to plan and invest to avoid that, pursuing everything from leveraging technology and innovative practice models to using non-physician providers as part of teams providing patient care.”

cancer is big money

So basically, the ASCO continues to ask for public donation and oddly enough, they get it. First let me say that I know that there are many people that donate to the thousands upon thousands of charities/organizations that are out there, and I’m sure many of them are committed to assisting those in need. Having said that, let’s look at Prof. Clifford Hudis, the President of ASCO, who’s also affiliated with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK or MSKCC), is a cancer treatment and research institution founded in 1884 as the New York Cancer Hospital. And so, one should read the ‘LECTURE BY G. EDWARD GRIFFIN’ to get a clearer understanding of what we’re dealing with.

So my point of sharing this is to assist in bringing awareness to the fact that there is so much, that we as the general public are not aware of, because quite frankly this is not something you’ll hear about on the six o’clock news. Instead we’re going to have to investigate for ourself, and consider the validity of the current accepted and allowed Institutions that profit from illness and disease.

A wise man once shared, if you want to know what’s really going on within this World, all you have to do, is follow the money trail. And, that’s basically what Mr. Griffin’s research and many more like him have done.

And so while what Mr. Griffin shares may be shocking, it’s not based on opinions or emotions or feelings. He shares what his research showed him, which are well documented facts about how Cancer continues to be the money-making business it is. Don’t be fooled by those who claim that they do what they do because they care because let’s be honest, they do what they do just like the rest of us, because we get paid to do what we do.

Alright so, like it or not, the fact remains that Cancer will more than likely be the number one killer, maybe even before 2030, because in November of 2013 it was reported that 1 out of 4 people are now being diagnosed with Cancer. But even that statistic is up for argument amongst the Medical community because many claim that 1 out of 3 people are being diagnosed with Cancer.

It’s been difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I am now a Cancer statistic and that that’s part of how our current world/money system recognizes me since my diagnosis almost a year ago. And you know almost a week to the day of my diagnosis, just like clockwork I got a phone call from one of the many Cancer Society Charitable Organizations asking me for a donation so they can continue their search for a cure.

Of course, there will be never be a cure at this point because a cure would bring a halt to the kind of lifestyle that having Cancer supports for those that profit from it. And you have to understand, these charities, they offer hope to someone whose just been given their death sentence. They promise the Cancer Patient that their services will provide the ability for them to ultimately experience a fast and easy recovery and for many that may indeed be so. But mostly not.

My experience was that when I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I was introduced to my ‘Cancer Team’, which consisted of a staff of at least 3 people, and I was told that one or more of them would be calling me at least once a week to provide for me any support that I might need. However, my team disappeared quickly when I made the decision to treat my Cancer with alternative treatments instead of the traditional recommended treatment. And almost immediately after that is when I started receiving frequent phone calls from various organizations asking me to make a donation to for their ongoing Cancer Research.

It’s hard to grasp that there are people getting filthy rich off people who have life threatening illness or disease. And, still the facts show that they are, and so unless one is rich, there’s no chance of buying our way out of the mess that we’re in as a society, where Billions of dollars are wasted on Cancer ‘cure’ research alone.

So, it’s important to realize that Cancer is on the rise, and it would be in the best interest of All of us, if we would agree on a Money System that will Guarantee financial support for everyone, regardless of who you are or where you live, you’ll be able to get what you need to live healthy life.

And I’m talking about a real solution, one that will take away the daily stress and fear of survival. Can you Imagine it? A world where everyone would have the opportunity to take responsibility for their own Life, and thus take responsibility for how Life exists on Earth.

The Living Income Guaranteed Proposal is just the solution and one that must be investigated closely because it promises to balance growth with sustainability; ensuring and securing Fundamental Human Rights for everyone. And that makes sense.

Check out ‘The Proposal’, it’s a Start


“The average physician today has had no training at all in basic nutrition. His wife knows more about nutrition than he does, and I don’t want to get any physicians here angry at me, but most doctors will tell you honestly that this is a fact. They’ll spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours working to learn about drugs, their actions, and everything and they are lucky to have even a chance to spend one or two hours studying basic nutrition.
This I submit is no accident and so what we find is that the medical student today, without even suspecting it, and he’d certainly be the last one to admit it, certainly he doesn’t believe it, but without suspecting that he has been carefully programmed by the educational system to be a drug pusher.

You go to your doctor, and I’m going to get some doctors mad at me for sure, but you go to your doctor, and he’ll examine you and if he can cut something out he’ll do that, and if he can set a broken bone he’ll do that. He’ll mend something, but beyond that the only thing he can do is write a prescription. You say, I don’t feel well, he says, take this prescription to your drugstore and if that doesn’t work come back and see me in two weeks and I’ll write you another prescription of different kind, and if that doesn’t work we’ve got a whole list of drugs to prescribe until we find something that works.

That is what has happened, and so the medical profession today has been subverted, I submit, by a force, which they do not even suspect themselves.

Now beyond the medical schools, there is of course, the AMA, the FDA, and Institutions of this kind. It is possible that the cartel has reached into these institutions as well. Consider the AMA, almost half of its income every year is derived not from membership dues, but from the average doctor who knows nothing about what the AMA is doing and is unable to have any voice in it. Half of the income comes from cartel drug firms, in the form of advertising in the “Journal of the American Medical Association”. Ten million dollars a year is funneled into the AMA from drug firms. Plus, ten million dollars of AMA money is invested in stock ownership in these big drug companies. That is what you might call a conflict of interest.” ~ G. EDWARD GRIFFIN Lecture


Day 274: Holding Life Hostage

Video Vlog with Transcription

For Context Read:  This little boys Story

‘…To me, [it’s] almost a crime to not make it available to everyone who needs it.’ ~ Aimee Hardy, Mother of son who has cancer

The above story in the link that I’ve provided, is painful to read, but there is so much suffering going on within our world that it seems crazy to call attention to only one of the many stories where someone is suffering at the hands of our current money system. However, I can relate to this little boys story because I to have cancer.

So it’s easy, I absolutely agree with the above quote by the mother of the sick little boy… It IS absolutely a Crime, to not make available to everyone the very thing they require to have a chance of surviving. Yet, this is how life is within our current world money system.

crime scene

The entire money system is structured so that those who are rich can buy their way to getting what they want or need, while the poor are judged and ridiculed for being less than deserving. But the truth is, millions are suffering daily, in unimaginable ways, and it’s crazy when you start to realize that Money, is the one thing that could bring the suffering to an abrupt end.

Money is thrown around all the time amongst the rich and famous, and in this particular situation the company whose withholding the requested drug for treatment recently received $72 million in federal funding, but still said they had to dismiss the compassionate use allowance program because they can no longer afford it.

I mean, lol, as Judge Judy says: “Is the word stupid written across my forehead?” She also points out that: “Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, but that doesn’t mean the law has to treat everyone equally.”

Now Judge Judy Sheindlin, if you’re not familiar with her, is sittin pretty cozy herself. It was recently reported that she’s the highest paid TV star, earning $47 million per year for her television gig ‘Judge Judy’. That means she earns $900,000 a day and, she only works 52 days per year!  How insane is it that some people make this kind of money while the majority struggle daily to make ends meet?

Alright, so moving on. It’s a Fact, there is No law that supports Life itself. No Law that enforces a Principle giving Everyone Equal Rights to be given what they require in order to live. We have to begin somewhere,  so maybe giving everyone a Living Income is the way to begin.  Maybe then we can begin to see clear to outlaw for instance, any refusal to give possible life saving medicine to the child in the above story. It just makes sense that no one person or group or major corporation should be allowed the purchasing power to basically hold the possibility for life hostage. Especially when clearly our entire value system has been contaminated by ego and greed. Sadly, even in realizing how many are suffering, we still have a long way to go to set forth laws that will protect the right of Life, the right to being born on Earth through Giving to all Equally that which is required to live.

Most of us want to believe that people are good and that we ‘love our neighbor’, and, we even preach to ‘give as we’d like to receive’. But the truth is, we live quite the opposite. So Life on Earth is being constantly threatened, and we can see how people are struggling to keep up the act as the happy consumer who blindly supports corporate greed because honestly, buying the groceries/products that continue to support the rich and famous and the greedy, is the only choice that we currently have.

So a big change is required, and after looking into it, I’m satisfied that the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal, is just the solution, and maybe even a gateway of sorts toward changing our current world and our current money system to one that will be sensitive and supportive of life and life threatening situations, to thus make equally available to everyone who need it – such as with this little boy – the ability to receive that which is required for them to live a healthy and long life, because we’d want the same opportunity to be given to us, wouldn’t we?

Let’s Stop holding Life hostage with price tags.

Investigate: The Proposal

The Original Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure

Day 213: How is the Crook Not a Crook and Who is Not a Liar?

For Context READ: Remembering who they were

“Pharmaceutical company spending on marketing far exceeds that spent on research. In Canada, $1.7 billion was spent in 2004 to market drugs to physicians; in the United States, $21 billion was spent in 2002. In 2005 money spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the US was estimated at $29.9 billion with one estimate as high as $57 billion. When the US numbers are broken down, 56% was free samples, 25% was detailing of physicians, 12.5% was direct to user advertising, 4% on hospital detailing, and 2% on journal ads.” Pharmaceutical Marketing

Artwork By Matti Freeman

Love is the Light that Hypnotize, Blind to the Fear that Paralyze


When the Majority of us support the Pharmaceutical Corporations who Manipulate us regularily through  advertisements such as is presented in the above linkThen, How is the Crook Not a Crook and Who is Not a Liar?

When Pictures are used to trigger memories within the Alzheimer patient, where long term memories are triggered through using pictures/ideas and the imagination of when they were young – which is applicable because an Alzheimer patient experiences loss of short term memory, thus,,

How criminal is it when the manipulation is made to feel good, where Alzheimer’s, a crippling manifested systematic illness of/as our Mind as Consciosness – is made into the illusion of a beautiful thing?   Where one becomes driven – for the sake of Money, to ask our loved one’s Doctor to prescribe the exciting new drug that promises to moderate and control the Alzheimer patient so then they won’t be a bother to anyone anymore…

Come On!  There is No cure. No miracle drug for how Dumb one have to be to accept and allow the insanity of our current world/money system to continue as it is,  where the Corporation control us and we accept it, because we’re preprogrammed to accept it, and yet, we don’t have to continue this way!

We have got to question how much money is being spent through television, movies, advertising programs, news programs and political campaigns, etc.  Question what amount of Money does it take to guarantee our individual and continued participation in order to further support the Major Corporation?  Connect the dots, do the math.

See how All relationships are profit driven by Corporations who Control how Life is experienced by the Majority of us who still refuse to acknowledge the fact that we’re in some serious trouble here on Earth.


To Stop Supporting the Corporation isn’t so easy.  The Solution begins when we begin to invidually and together as a Groupquestion the systems that are currently in place within Our World, because every one of them are Profit Driven.  Question why and how it is that no one moves themself without first being motivated from within as their mind through money, profit and greed…

Investing in the Practical Solution of an Equal Money System,  where everyone will be given the support and the opportunity to learn how to correct their symptom-driven, thought and feeling/emotional functioning process – to one where we are able to Stop the dehabilitating functions of and as our mind/physical relationship, and Begin to Create Life according to what’s Best for All.

Join for Free:  Desteni I Process Lite – Learn Practical Life Skills Online

“I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to realize that with the irrationality of human nature accepted as incurable, and with scientists being unable to identify with certainty what caused the mental disorders of irrationality, I fail to see that by implication the mental health professionals is subject to the same disease and are not experts to which we can subject ourselves with trust.” Bernard Poolman @ Day 17: The Trap of Dementia, Part 1


Heaven on Earth

“I commit myself to challenge the accepted research through presenting common sense solutions that will lead to a mentally healthy society.

I commit myself to show that when the starting point is life equally respected in each other, the fundamental premise to give so that you may receive is immediately grasped to such an extent that irrational fear evaporates.

I commit myself to the re-education of the family to be the foundation of mental health of every child being born by demonstrating to parents that parental irrational fears based on love, cause the greatest destruction in producing mentally unstable adults.” Bernard Poolman @ Day 17: The Trap of Dementia, Part 1

Day 187: The Fabric of Family Is Made of Money

Continuing from: Day 186: Inside Outside In-between

inside outside in betweenI forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the internal conversations and back chat where within my mind I would say to myself: “when I have kids I will be different from my parents and not be greedy with my money”, or, “I will not favor one of my children over the other one” and within that, I see, realize and understand how in doing so I’ve been existing within a point of ego and spite in believing myself as superior and furthermore fueling myself as my mind within and as ego as a positive energetic charge.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deceive myself within and as a beLIEf system where I told myself that money was not that important, when the fact was/is, is that money has been at the root of every decision I’ve made since I was 16 years old and pregnant, and for how money determined who I said I loved and for the fear of facing the consequences of being alone and broke, without money to properly care for my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to secretly within my mind throw a silent temper tantrum when my parents didn’t buy me what I wanted them to and for how I utilized anger as a replacement for the negative experience I was having because in anger and ego I experienced superiority as a positive energy experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue the same pattern as my parents in how I raised my children in that I used money as a motivator by giving them things that gave them a sense of superiority over their classmates who couldn’t afford certain things like an expensive pair of the most popular shoes being worn at school for example.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise me as my physical body wherein I made choices as a single mom and remained in a relationship of a sexual nature because in doing so I was given rent money and/or was able to buy food to feed my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself according to my past behaviors and for the choices I made in order to have money, and within that for how I willingly accepted that this is how life is and that I should just bow down to our current money/world system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my parents for the anger I feel towards the rich/elite and for my lack of responsibility for not realizing that money is/has been my God.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to borrow and loan money to members of my family and then through broken promises have accepted and allowed myself to exist in resentment, greed and hate.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience anxiety within my chest area when my bank account gets low of money and for the fear in the pit of my stomach in worry of what will I do if I run out of money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I have taught my children how to be enslaved to money – instead of being a living example of life according to what’s best for all.

I commit myself to stop who I’ve been in and as the very fabric of family as money, and to instead direct myself through self-forgiveness to walk the physical change in redesigning who I am as life according to what’s best for All.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself within the desire to make myself and my children ‘feel’ better by trying to solve problems with money that I can’t afford to spend and/or that I don’t have, I stop, I breathe – Instead I direct myself to realize that I am actually seeking to achieve a positive energy experience to replace a negative one.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself re-acting to my children in fear for their future, I stop, I breathe – I see, realize and understand that the same as me, they must walk their process in seeing, stopping, forgiving and in self-honesty re-designing who they are to one that supports a world/money system that will be supportive of all life equally.

I commit myself to stop who I am as panic within my mind when I see that my bank account is getting low and to instead focus on writing, self-forgiveness and supporting an Equal Money System to thus end our enslavement to and as money.

I commit myself to continue to walk this my Journey to Life, to establish and manifest an expression of myself within and as my physical body and reality whereas I stop who I’ve become defined as through emotions/feelings and energy programmed through by/as money and to within that direct myself to contribute to creating and manifesting a world that is in fact best for all.


Suggested blogs to follow:
Creation Journey to Life
Heaven Journey to Life
Earth Journey to Life

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Desteni Lite

Day 186: Inside Outside In-between (My Daughter’s Moving Back Home)

There are many changes going on within my immediate world right now beginning with the fact that my youngest daughter, her boyfriend and my 2 year old granddaughter will be moving in with us in the next week. My daughter will be going to school for the next few years to be a Registered Nurse and her school schedule is compromising her work schedule and at the moment they can no longer afford their rent. The only way losing their home could be prevented would be if an Equal Money System were already in place.

Equal Money will change the way life itself is experienced especially since the Majority of us are struggling every day just to survive, thus, there are certainly enough to breathe Equal Money into Life.

I’ve realized through some personal writings how money has played a Huge factor in who I am and how I’ve come to accept and allow our current world/money system to exist as it is.  For instance, I measured my mother’s love for me according to how much money she was willing and/or able to spend on me even though at the time I didn’t realize it – how her spending initiated a positive energetic charge within me and so she, (or rather her money) was able to make me feel good. When she didn’t get me what I wanted, my experience of myself was a negative one and it just so happened that was 95% of the time.

I can remember having internal conversations and back chat where within my mind I would say to myself: “when I have kids I will not be so greedy with my money”, “I will not favor one of my children over the other one”.  And as a kid, I was sure my mom spent more money on my brothers and sisters than she did on me.

The thing is, when I grew up and had kids,  I repeated the same patterns as my parents. Eventually I favored my youngest daughter over my other daughter and my oldest child, my son – here I’m referring to the amount of money I have given and /or spent on them.
inside outside in between1The fact is, I’ve done a grave injustice in how I’ve raised all of my children and specifically with my youngest and with regards to money. I was always trying to make my children happy, to ‘fix’ their world – always trying to make them ‘feel’ good and in doing so, of course I made myself feel better, or so I ‘thought’.

There is a huge problem when one is trying to make someone ‘feel’ better because ‘feeling good’ is Not the magic formula to becoming a responsible human being who is considerate of All life.  In fact, just the opposite happens.

I can see how all of the emotions and feelings surrounding the numerous moments when a bill couldn’t be paid or when there wasn’t enough money to buy food – all the pain and suffering could have been prevented with Equal Money.

Equal Money is a living example of what it is to be responsible for All Life on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use money as a motivator for my reason for the fear of feeling rejected by my parents.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear what I’ve become within what I believed was expected of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to raise my children within my world of fear which I’ve continued to exist within and as based in memory/characters and personalities that I first imagined and created for myself as a child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the image/thought of the look on my mom’s face when she would get angry at me for asking her to buy something for me – and for how I resisted the image so much so that I became it and then created the opposite side of the coin of it in that I over indulged in order to manifest a positive energy experience within and as me and for my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed internal conversations and backchat to determine the choices I made with regards to money in raising my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put on a happy face in the face of others all the while inside myself existing within a split version of myself trying to maintain the positive within a negative experience of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I have suppressed myself because I believed I couldn’t express my feelings and opinions about money and family social status.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how easy it is to deceive myself and others with a smile.

Suggest for context Hear: Living in Two Worlds – Life Review

to be continued
Suggested blogs to follow:
Creation Journey to Life
Heaven Journey to Life
Earth Journey to Life

Join the forum:

The FREE online course where you learn Essential Life Skills!
Desteni Lite

Day 184: Offended? Let’s Rock the Boat

Here I am investigating how I have become aware of internal conversation/back chat where I hear myself say to myself: ‘that offends me’.

I will use an example of what happened to me recently when I mentioned to a lady sitting next to me in the Doctor’s office that Equal Money is the only real solution to the utter chaos that exists here on earth. She was quick to disagree and her reason for doing so was as she put it: “there will never be enough people to agree upon such a thing”. Upon hearing her comment, I heard myself say to myself: ‘that offends me’, and then I became irritated and then angry when I wasn’t able to communicate further with her because her name was called for the Dr. who was ready to see her.

It’s not the first time that I’ve felt ‘offended’ when money is the topic of a conversation that I’m having with others. A couple of other things that I am often offended by is:

– – how we bow down to movie stars and/or anyone who has a lot of money.

I also get angry about how unconcerned we are that the rich have more than enough while millions have absolutely nothing.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel offended and/or irritated and angry by the words and/or actions of another and for not realizing that only me as my mind as consciousness can experience being offended.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become offended at the idea of not having enough money to live on and within that I forgive myself that I have existed in fear that there won’t be enough money for myself and my family to survive thus,  I forgive myself for existing in self-interest and greed where I only ‘think’ to consider the fate of me and my family – instead of the fate of everything and everyone!

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I become offended and angry towards those who are rich and famous it’s because I’m jealous and envious of the power that having money gives them and within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to harbor thoughts/images, like an instaflash of myself living my life like the rich and famous and for feeling guilty for supporting my own mind imagination/illusion by living vicariously through the lives of the rich and famous, thus why I continue to support that which supports my own secret mind illusion.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the internal conversations and backchat where I hear myself say ‘that offends me’ because I secretly fear who I am as the offender of life, as one who has sit quietly by and supported the way our current world/money system exists because I secretly want to have and be more than, meaning: I secretly want someone to stroke me as who I am as ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am the offender that I perceive myself offended by because I imagine and participate within my secret mind to having the same experience that I see the rich and famous having and yet I become irritated and angry toward them when the fact remains that I accept, allow and participate in and as an illusionary version of the very thing I’m offended by, thus I Am RESPONSIBLE  for the money madness of profit and greed that is crippling our world/reality/existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become a living expression of the words ‘offended’ and ‘offender’ according to negative energetic experiences of myself in how I have defined myself within the beLIEf that I’m able to be offended – when in actuality, when I ‘feel’ offended, it’s because I’ve just accepted myself as the victim – which is what I become because I fear taking responsibility for how our world/money system exists, because I fear if I acknowledge the insanity of our current world/money system then I will have to acknowledge the role that I play as the offender as well as many more of a cast of characters that I fear giving up as that which supports the abuse within and as our current world/money system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a negative experience of myself within the belief that someone has offended me and within that I forgive myself for how I experience myself as having lost – as if life is a game of winning and losing and so within the cycle of polarity of win and lose, I either experience myself as winning or losing – where within a disagreement with another I define my experience as being offended and become angry, irritated and resentful and thus experience myself as having a negative experience as if I’ve just lost at a game thus, I forgive myself for living life like a game, always looking to achieve some sort of energetic experience for myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as the character of and as my mind as the offender that I secretly believe that I am entitled to have and been seen as more than others because I’ve not been willing to stop the polarity game of winning and losing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how irritation and anger has a direct effect within and as my physical body which results in pimples and boils to erupt as an indication of suppressing who I am as it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize my own acts of transgression, whereas I have followed the laws set by man/self and in doing so I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the Principle of Equality/LIFE, that whosoever is born unto this earth/world/reality/existence shall be given that which earth has provided for as All as ONE as Equal.

When and as I hear the words in my head: ‘that offends me’, I stop, I breathe – I see, realize and understand that the words are a red flag for me to stop, breathe, and investigate who I am as living in polarity through games of winning and losing – which is basically me wanting to have my ego stroked – thus I commit myself to direct myself to stop all reactions as internal conversations and back chat and to walk the point through in self-corrective application.

I commit myself to investigate who and what is really going on within me when I beLIEve that someone has offended me.

I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing myself to live vicariously through the lives of the rich and famous and to instead take self-responsibility for what is here.

I commit myself to stopping the application of polarity of/as winning and losing and to begin living life one and equal with what is here.

I commit myself to redefine who I am as the words offended and offender, wherein I may become a living expression of/as the words within the principle of oneness and equality.

I commit myself to let go of my current life programming and to commit myself to identifying and studying the nature of who I am as my thoughts, feelings and emotions, to thus see, realize and understand who I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become.

I commit myself to direct the nature of who I am to become that which is best for all.

Day 167: The Insanity of Humanity

“This is the most catastrophic event that we have faced and been able to plan for in any of our lifetimes” ~  Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy said of Hurricane Sandy that could affect as many as 60 million people.

How insane does one have to be to actually believe the above quote by the Governor?

What about the following fact that was documented almost a year ago to the day?

Fact: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, on October 31, 2011 proved that there are over 1 billion people in the world today who are at risk of starving to death because they do not get enough food to eat. That’s one in 7 people on Earth who don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

Folks, that is a REAL CATASTROPHIC event.

And, it’s happening daily because we have yet to support the Solution that will bring it to an end.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe a catastrophe is that which will take away my electricity, entertainment and/or my warm bed and cozy lifestyle all the while never considering the fact that 1 billion people throughout our world spend every single day wondering if they’ll be able to eat and have clean water to drink.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I fear becoming tired about life, about surviving with the fear and the pain that I have held within me as the part of me that already gave up and gave in to our current world system of money that I call life but which is actually day to day living in excess as ego, manipulation, self-interest and greed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be manipulated by my mind and by money, where when I have extra money to spend I feel like life is worth living and I don’t give a damn about the suffering of others, but when I’m short on money, I feel gloomy, uncared for and lost within my mind in and as anger, fear, self-interest and resentment feeling like I’m being done wrong, when the fact is, I am responsible for how I continue to support my own enslavement to a money system that is in itself, a CATASTROPHE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid facing the hardest part of me where I experience myself holding in and onto pain both mentally and physically – which I’m beginning to understand is connected to our system of money – thus I commit myself to stop participating within and as feelings and memories which I’ve held onto as desires to have that which I craved in order to have and feel more special than anyone else.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put my own survival above everything and everyone else within this world and thus never stopped and considered those who have nothing, who go days without food and water and within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a world/money system that doesn’t support the physical body of every living being first and foremost including our physical world/reality/ existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how throughout my life I have literally maintained a level of insanity as a possession of my mind because I actually believed that I must work to have more than my neighbor and thus believed material possessions were more important than seeing to it that every living being live a life of dignity equal and one according to what’s best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the physical consequences of supporting a world/money system that only supports youth, vigor and appearance and throws away that which is penniless, broke, old and apparently no longer of use the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I’ve allowed my mind to direct me instead of me directing as my mind and thus have lived the life of a selfish fool so much so that when I was younger I believed that I would surely not be susceptible to growing old, that somehow I would be young forever and within that denial of self I was already dying because I failed to nurture, care for and support the most important part of myself as my physical body, our physical reality and each other.

Day 157: The Nature of the Human will Always Surrender to Money

Read the following for context: Innocent victims

Children in Syria are being bombed, tortured, sexually abused, murdered, no one really cares.
No one wants to talk about what everyone knows. When there is war, there is somebody who wants something that somebody else has, and of course, that something has to do with money/power. When it comes to money, the human will destroy everyone and everything in it’s path to get it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to cover my ears and eyes to not  hear or see how the two million children and young people of Syria are living in constant danger, because when I comprehend such a thing I become fearful and then I begin to fear for the safety of my own children, and that’s when I see how self-interest overrules my concern for others and I realize that as a humanity we’re in trouble because we will stop at nothing to have and be the power that having money gives, thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in self-interest and greed look to protect and support only my family and my friends and in self-interest ignore the suffering of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the thought as an image within my mind, where I see me fearing that my country is bombed and my children and grandchildren are in harms way, and within that I forgive myself for existing in and as self-interest where the level of cruelty that exists within our world goes unnoticed until I see my own family at risk thus proving to myself how the nature of the human is self-interest driven.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to imagine myself cowering in sorrow in realizing that I could have stopped the pain and suffering of innocent children but instead I turned the other cheek because I feared what others would think and say about me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny that the nature of the human is evil because I see, realize and understand that the nature of the human is nothing more than greed in lust for money and power because the human will always surrender life itself for money and power in an attempt to control others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I become tense in my shoulders and upper back and how I hold my breath when I read articles about children suffering and dying and how I react in separation of me as my physical body in how I submit myself to/as fear as a negative energy experience and then, as if on autopilot, I immediately use positive thought participation which causes my level of anxiety to decrease and I began to feel physically better even though in doing so I am manipulating myself and taking myself from a negative energy experience to positive one and within that never actually facing the reality of who and what I am in relation to who, what and how I am responsible for as the abuse, war and death that exists within our current world/money system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel anxious and disappointed when I realize that there is nothing in this world so demoralizing as the horrors that man will do to man and animals in the name of money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent that I have manipulated myself through and as the direction of who I am as my mind as consciousness, to such an extent that I have been willing to accept and allow war to exist where children are murdered while they sleep, and within that,  to not realize that when I accept war to exist anywhere within this world, that I am actually accepting and allowing the defeat of us each one as a humanity.

When and as I see myself closing my eyes, ignoring the suffering within our world, I stop, I breathe. Instead, I commit myself to show the suffering and death that innocent children are having to endure so that money can be made while life itself is abused and ignored, furthermore, I commit myself to show that every single living being is of equal importance as life and serves a purpose for us each one to see ourselves within and as.

I commit myself to breathe and forgive myself and through self-corrective application apply myself daily to commit myself to myself in self-honesty to re-design myself according to what’s best for all.

I commit myself to stop existing as a coward where I manipulate myself using sorrow as a way of avoiding facing what I’ve accepted and allowed, to instead stand up to/for myself and direct myself in realizing that life is not about fear, that life is here for us to recognize who we are as each other, therefore, I commit myself to walking the self-correction of me in becoming equal to and one as life where our world will one day exist where all living beings are guaranteed a life of/as/in dignity.

When and as I see myself react in anxiety in realizing the abuse we accept and allow within our world, where I tense parts of me as my physical body and then manipulate myself with positive energy to distract myself from facing myself within it all,  I stop, I breathe. I commit myself to stop the separation of me from my physical body and my physical world/reality, to therefore commit myself to redesigning who I am in support of me as my physical body and thus support our physical world/reality by remaining aware of who I am as breath.

I commit myself to show how with Equal Money the nature of the human being will begin to change because Equal Money will ultimately remove our fear of survival, thus we will be able to witness the nature of ourselves begin to change from one of evil and struggling to that which honors all living beings enjoying each other as life.

Day 126: Hunger Games Self-Committment statements

This blog is a continuation to: Day 125: Hunger Games – –

I commit myself to stop my fear of facing me within the abuse and neglect that I see that I have accepted and allowed and have assisted as in supporting how life on earth exists for the thousands upon thousands who suffer and/or starve to death daily at the hands of our current world/money system.

Artwork by: Agnieszka Dine

I commit myself to forgive and let go of/stop the anger within myself that I realize I have existed as where I have projected blame onto others and within that have contributed to the abuse existent within and as our world, thus, I commit myself to show how the nature of who we are as our thoughts and our thinking process which we participate within, is the glue that is holding the abuse in full force within our world and how through self-forgiveness we are able to support ourself to effectively change, thus I commit myself to realign myself through a self-corrective application to thus redesign and assist myself to become the living change required in order to support a world according to what’s best for All.

I commit myself to show how the entertainment industry which we accept and allow within our world is a direct result of and in complete support of our world/money system of which the majority of us as humanity are enslaved to, thus, I commit myself to show how we are not what we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to believe ourselves to be as the direction of consciousness simply because it’s coming up within us, and that we are capable to stop and direct and commit ourselves to take self-responsibility and establish an environment on earth based upon principles that support All life Equally.

I commit myself to show how there is enough resources available on/from earth to provide for the physical bodies of all living beings, thus no one need to ever go to bed hungry, homeless or abused in any way.

I commit myself to comprehend and thus support an Education system that will be designed to provide everyone with proper skills in reading, mathematics and communication in order to establish a healthy, equal relationship with each other as a humanity, nature and animals so as to provide each with the adequate necessities for a practical living environment.

I commit myself to remaining constant and gentle with myself as I continue my daily walk of The Journey to Life.

“I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when the Actual FUNCTIONING of the MIND and the Physical Body is Understood, All the Lies of Enlightenment will End and will No Longer form the Foundation from which Cruelty is justified.” ~ Bernard Poolman