Day 119: What Imprisons You?

Ranchers lose hope drought aid will come in time

This years drought is having a devastating effect on farmers and ranchers who are now unfortunately having to depend upon hope to receive government assistance.

As I was reading the comments below the article, I realized once again how the ‘little guy’, ‘the enslaved’ – that’s the majority of us – attack each other, instead of supporting each other.
Sure, there are a few who send their ‘prayers‘ and ‘well wishes’ but that’s all worthless comments by the ‘I’ll pretend to care’ characters.

One guy wrote: “Get rid of foodstamps and welfare and if they don’t get a job,let them starve to death.”

Has this guy been living under a rock? There are a limited number of jobs to be had!

That’s just like the enslaved isn’t it? We’d rather turn on each other and hope that we’ll never require assistance. Instead of realizing the common sense of coming together as a group in support of a world/money system that will support everybody according to what’s best for All.

Let’s get real, at this rate, any one of us could be out of a job at any moment. Hell, the majority of us, are two paychecks lost away from poverty and homelessness. And the price of food is so high that we’re barely able to buy groceries after bills and rent. We’re in a mess and WE, Together have/are the Solution.

Ask yourself – WHEN, Why and How come we’ve decided that the Systems of this World “shouldn’t” provide the necessities of Life for the People? Come ON!

WE Are The People – WE DECIDE!

Look how odd it is that the few who are filthy rich continue to get richer while the majority of us just keep beating each other up because, well, we’re just to damn greedy, needy, and plum ignorant.

A guy from Milwaukee, Wisconsin wrote:
“Tough sh$t for these farmers. The last 5 years when you were greedy pigs you never gave 1 thought about helping others. The government should do nothing. The government didn’t bail out my construction company when the housing industry dried up. I did with less and survived

WTF? No wonder we’re all so enslaved. We’ve not realized what the hell is going on because we’re so busy existing in spite in the fight to out-survive our Neighbor.

How come we haven’t considered that our entire existence is what it is because of who we are within and as it?

Who, How, and What determines who you are Inside Yourself? Within the darkest Secrets of your Mind?

Look at the words we use as ammunition against each other – that’s where the evidence of ourselves lie.
It’s time to shut-up, breathe, and look in the mirror.

Ask Yourself: What Imprisons You?

Answer that for yourself in Self-Honesty.

Write it down. Look at it.

Forgive Yourself.

Stand up as that which you are capable of being, which is Life – NOT Enslavement

Stand as a Group in Support of your fellow Neighbors – who are merely reflections of yourself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse my neighbor in spite and hate because within myself I am scared to death for my own survival and within that I forgive myself that I never considered that I Don’t have to fight for my Right to Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to race so hard to get ahead in this world that I didn’t realize how we’re all in the same boat and our boat is sinking while the rich are living in luxury cruise lines.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wish failure on my neighbor in order to fulfill a need to believe in myself – when in-fact, I’ve never stopped to consider that the rich and famous can only be rich and famous because of how the poor and infamous continue to accept and allow it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in/as anger within greed in the belief that I deserve to have more than my neighbor who’s just trying to survive just like me.

I forgive myself for not realizing how my anger and resentment to/towards others is fueled within fear of having to exist within and as the blood, sweat and tears of towing the same line with the same burdens of money as those who’ve walked here before me.

I forgive myself for not realizing that turning against my neighbor is the same as turning against myself and in doing so I am accepting and allowing both our enslavement to continue.

I forgive myself for not realizing how within self-interest, greed and ego through and as my mind as consciousness in/as inner acts against my neighbor, I failed to see, realize and understand how I’ve neglected that which supports me as life as that of/as me as my Physical Body and our Physical Earth.

I forgive myself for not realizing that I don’t have to fight for my Right to Life when I stand together hand in hand with my Neighbor and come together as a Group in support of a world/money system which supports All Life according to what’s best for All.

I commit myself to in self-honesty forgive that which I’ve accepted and allowed in fear to imprison me.

I commit myself to stop blaming and attacking my Neighbor through words in fear and anger and instead I commit myself to Walk this Life with/as my Neighbor together in support of a world/money system according to what’s best for All.

I commit myself to show how Neighbors can/will come together as a Group all over the World to support an Equal Money System to manifest Heaven on Earth.

I commit myself to Support All Life in Giving to others that which I wish to receive.

I commit myself to support a world/money system where homelessness no longer exists, where the basic necessities such as sanitation, clean water and adequate shelter are provided for All Life Equally.

I commit myself to Stop judgment of my Neighbor and to instead offer to walk in their shoes in order to understand our Common Ground.

I commit myself to supporting a world/money system where our living experience manifests as one which will sustain our fulfillment and happiness within a Quality of Happiness built within the Foundation of Supporting a World according to what’s best for All.

I commit myself to life in support of/as me as my Physical body and our Physical Reality in showing how an Equal Money System is the ONLY Solution that will Support that which is REAL as that which we Require to Exist Here – Our Physical bodies and Our Physical Reality.

I commit myself to assist my Neighbors in stopping the Enslavement to Money of/as Humanity by Standing as a Group in support of an Equal Money System.

I commit myself to never stop assisting my Neighbor to hear, see, realize and understand how nobody has to live life struggling every day in the race to survive when it only requires One Man, One Vote for Equal Money to thus manifest Heaven on Earth.