Day 157: The Nature of the Human will Always Surrender to Money

Read the following for context: Innocent victims

Children in Syria are being bombed, tortured, sexually abused, murdered, no one really cares.
No one wants to talk about what everyone knows. When there is war, there is somebody who wants something that somebody else has, and of course, that something has to do with money/power. When it comes to money, the human will destroy everyone and everything in it’s path to get it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to cover my ears and eyes to not  hear or see how the two million children and young people of Syria are living in constant danger, because when I comprehend such a thing I become fearful and then I begin to fear for the safety of my own children, and that’s when I see how self-interest overrules my concern for others and I realize that as a humanity we’re in trouble because we will stop at nothing to have and be the power that having money gives, thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in self-interest and greed look to protect and support only my family and my friends and in self-interest ignore the suffering of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the thought as an image within my mind, where I see me fearing that my country is bombed and my children and grandchildren are in harms way, and within that I forgive myself for existing in and as self-interest where the level of cruelty that exists within our world goes unnoticed until I see my own family at risk thus proving to myself how the nature of the human is self-interest driven.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to imagine myself cowering in sorrow in realizing that I could have stopped the pain and suffering of innocent children but instead I turned the other cheek because I feared what others would think and say about me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny that the nature of the human is evil because I see, realize and understand that the nature of the human is nothing more than greed in lust for money and power because the human will always surrender life itself for money and power in an attempt to control others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I become tense in my shoulders and upper back and how I hold my breath when I read articles about children suffering and dying and how I react in separation of me as my physical body in how I submit myself to/as fear as a negative energy experience and then, as if on autopilot, I immediately use positive thought participation which causes my level of anxiety to decrease and I began to feel physically better even though in doing so I am manipulating myself and taking myself from a negative energy experience to positive one and within that never actually facing the reality of who and what I am in relation to who, what and how I am responsible for as the abuse, war and death that exists within our current world/money system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel anxious and disappointed when I realize that there is nothing in this world so demoralizing as the horrors that man will do to man and animals in the name of money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent that I have manipulated myself through and as the direction of who I am as my mind as consciousness, to such an extent that I have been willing to accept and allow war to exist where children are murdered while they sleep, and within that,  to not realize that when I accept war to exist anywhere within this world, that I am actually accepting and allowing the defeat of us each one as a humanity.

When and as I see myself closing my eyes, ignoring the suffering within our world, I stop, I breathe. Instead, I commit myself to show the suffering and death that innocent children are having to endure so that money can be made while life itself is abused and ignored, furthermore, I commit myself to show that every single living being is of equal importance as life and serves a purpose for us each one to see ourselves within and as.

I commit myself to breathe and forgive myself and through self-corrective application apply myself daily to commit myself to myself in self-honesty to re-design myself according to what’s best for all.

I commit myself to stop existing as a coward where I manipulate myself using sorrow as a way of avoiding facing what I’ve accepted and allowed, to instead stand up to/for myself and direct myself in realizing that life is not about fear, that life is here for us to recognize who we are as each other, therefore, I commit myself to walking the self-correction of me in becoming equal to and one as life where our world will one day exist where all living beings are guaranteed a life of/as/in dignity.

When and as I see myself react in anxiety in realizing the abuse we accept and allow within our world, where I tense parts of me as my physical body and then manipulate myself with positive energy to distract myself from facing myself within it all,  I stop, I breathe. I commit myself to stop the separation of me from my physical body and my physical world/reality, to therefore commit myself to redesigning who I am in support of me as my physical body and thus support our physical world/reality by remaining aware of who I am as breath.

I commit myself to show how with Equal Money the nature of the human being will begin to change because Equal Money will ultimately remove our fear of survival, thus we will be able to witness the nature of ourselves begin to change from one of evil and struggling to that which honors all living beings enjoying each other as life.

3 thoughts on “Day 157: The Nature of the Human will Always Surrender to Money

  1. Yes, Cathy, War is not an expression of life, it is an expression of destruction. There is no stability until all are stable: there is no life until all exist within full expression of themselves as life.

  2. Pingback: Why Adults Teach Children to Live on a Lie: DAY 129

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