Day 41: My Mind Said ———> Run!

I Stop. I Breathe —> I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to after reading today’s chat on Desteni’s private forum – I saw how I experienced back chat within a belief about self that I’ve created which said, ‘you still don’t know anything, so forget it, run away, hide’!

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create beliefs about myself through back chat as self talk where I have accepted a point of fear toward myself as true, such as fear within a belief that I’m not able to direct myself effectively in my process.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create beliefs about myself through backchat within a false ego of myself of believing that I’ll never accept myself within a point of self-intimacy, so just give up and try and be happy.

Artwork By: Scott Cook

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself through a filter of behaviour in fear as backchat as self-created thoughts that I have not only accepted but have convinced myself of as being true where I have made them a living statement where my belief has become a reality of who I am in action as a religion of self.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that within self-created beliefs about myself I am so suppressed that I will never reach a point within myself where in self-honesty I will allow myself to know me as an expression of myself as life as living words according to what’s best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Not realize that fear is actually a desire of my mind to protect itself from harm where a fearful experience and/or a belief of self as failing serves it’s purpose in that is seals my fate to remain enslaved as consciousness.

When and as I see myself existing in a pattern of fear as back chat/thoughts, I stop. I breathe and I realize that the secret mind fears for it’s survival and will seek and avoid being revealed as the deception that it is. Thus, I commit myself to slow down, breathe and remain here in realizing that there is no where to hide from myself and that it’s taken years of accumulating myself within constructs and patterns and it will require patience with self to walk the corrective application of self in releasing them, and that the only solution is the path of an Equal Money system so that everyone will have access to the de-programming offered through Desteni I Process. Thus, Equal Money is the Only solution that I Commit myself to for the remainder of my life here on earth.

I commit myself to Stop being a victim of fear.

I commit myself to standing in self-honesty in realizing that – the behaviour patterns of my secret mind as back chat/thoughts, where in fear I judge my process and limit who I am within self-created beliefs to/toward myself – that such behaviours and actions as self No longer serve me as who I am walking this Journey to Life through self-forgiveness, and, in self-honesty, I Stop fearful backchat, and I stand in support of life according to what’s best for all.

I commit myself to forgiving and releasing the image of myself as ego/fear that I’ve placed before the true image of I am/life.

I commit myself to supporting a system of Equality to improve the experience of life for every living being within our world.

For Excellent support and perspective – Read: Creation’s Journey to Life

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